Telephone communication between SYRIZA Party Secretary Panos Rigas and Selahattin Demirtas

The new Secretary of the C.C. of SYRIZA, Panos Rigas, right after assuming his duties, communicated with the co-president of the People’s Democratic Party (HDP), Selahattin Demirtas, to express on behalf of SYRIZA our most sincere condolences for the deaths –while demonstrating for peace– of nearly a hundred innocent people, among them HDP members, caused by a terrorist attack in Ankara.

Panos Rigas conveyed SYRIZA’s solidarity for the ongoing struggle in Turkey for peace and democracy and expressed our party’s support to the re-launch of the peace process regarding the Kurdish question. The latter was also raised by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to his counterpart, Mr Davutoglu.

Finally, Panos Rigas wished HDP all the best for the upcoming elections. In his response, Selahattin Demirtas underlined that the bomb attack targeted all those fighting for peace and democracy in Turkey. Unity of the activists and the solidarity of SYRIZA is a guarantee that no matter how many attacks are orchestrated, citizens’ determination for peace will not relent. Mr Demirtas thanked SYRIZA for its support, on behalf of the families of victims and HDP members.


Athens, 12/10/2015

The Press Office of SYRIZA
