• GUE/NGL Group of the European Parliament in cooperation with the Group of the Unified European Left in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (UEL PACE) under their common statement, urge Turkey to immediately stop unlawful unilateral actions in the Eastern Mediterranean.
• The dispute on the economic maritime zones should be resolved by negotiations, based on the Law of the Sea, and if these fail, then through the International Court of Justice in The Hague.
• GUE/NGL and UEL PACE statement conclude by calling all progressive parties and peoples to not remain silent spectators, but actively engage the issue “to prevent nationalistic and right wing populist discourses to dominate the debate”.
GUE/NGL Group of the European Parliament in cooperation with the Group of the Unified European Left in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (UEL PACE) under their common statement, urge Turkey to “immediately stop unlawful unilateral actions in the Eastern Mediterranean, which rather than doing any good for the peoples of the region, have fueled up and militarized historically rooted tensions and furthered its violation of International Law, hence isolating Turkey even more from its neighbors and the Mediterranean and EU countries”. This statement has been published with the cooperation of GUE/NGL and UEL PACE and the text has been written by SYRIZA – Progressive Alliance, AKEL and HDP representatives. The statement has been published after the remote conference in which both the Vice – President of the European Parliament and Head of SYRIZA – Progressive Alliance delegation, Mr. Dimitrios Papadimoulis and the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. George Katrougalos attended. The main subject of the conference was the increasing tension in Eastern Mediterranean, where the international security situation has recently severely deteriorated.
The statement also highlights the fact that “Turkey, in its attempts to become a hegemonic peripheral power, has been recently following a very dangerous road in the area, investing in nationalist rhetoric and aggressive unilateral actions, in breach of the International Law”.
It has been also emphasized that Turkey has greatly increased the airspace violations in the Aegean, sent warships to support research of gas deposits near the island of Kastellorizo, and continues to carry out illegal drilling activities within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Republic of Cyprus. Through these illegal actions and unfounded claims over the continental shelf and exclusive economic zones, it dangerously aggravates and militarizes the dispute regarding the related sovereignty claims.
GUE/NGL and UEL PACE point out that “drilling, processing and consumption of hydrocarbons constitute a major danger with respect to global warming and the climate crisis. A new ‘Green Deal of sustainability in the Mediterranean’ should be developed as a common goal by all progressive forces of the region. The dispute on the economic maritime zones should be resolved by negotiations, based on the Law of the Sea, and if these fail, then through the International Court of Justice in The Hague.
GUE/NGL and UEL PACE note that “depending on Turkey’s choosing the path of respect for international law and peaceful negotiations, a concrete and positive Euro – Turkish agenda should be promoted”. As the described crisis reveals the comprehensive solution of the Cyprus problem remains crucial for the future of the region and the prospects of a conclusive settlement among the states concerned regarding also the delimitation of maritime zones. Notwithstanding that the recent opening by Turkey of the coastal line of Varosha in violation of the UNSC Resolutions also raise the tension and undermine the prospects of meaningful negotiations”.
GUE/NGL and UEL PACE call upon Turkey to reverse this perspective, refrain from further provocations and commit to the resumption of negotiations on the agreed basis and from where things were left off at Crans Montana in 2017, to the benefit of the people of Cyprus as a whole, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. GUE/NGL and UEL PACE reaffirm their commitment to the reunification of Cyprus based on a bi – communal and bi – zonal federation with political equality, as this is prescribed by the relevant UNSC Resolutions.
GUE/NGL and UEL PACE statement conclude an invitation to all progressive parties and peoples to not remain as silent spectators, but actively engage the issue “to prevent nationalistic and right wing populist discourses to dominate the debate”.
Attached you can find the statement of GUE/NGL and UEL PACE